
Journify Shop Project with Malaysia Airlines
Magento Cloud, Marketplace, PHP

During the 2020 pandemic, Malaysia Airlines (MAS) decided to create a marketplace competing with the other marketplace in Malaysia. Primarily designed to sell the flight ticket voucher for a cheaper price, the boards decided to open the marketplace to all goods and merchandise available in the airport and the surrounding...

Serverless Webhook System
Serverless, Batch Processing

In order to improve the availability and integrity of the webhook calling system, we came across to plan for a project to solve this issue using Serverless Framework. The project implements some exotic solutions using AWS Step Functions and Terraform IAC to handle business logic and the deployment of the...

Terraforming AWS Infrastructure
Container, AWS Fargate

The current container environment is using AWS Fargate and being automated by a 3rd party software. In this project, I am responsible to document the infrastructure in IAC Framework which is Terraform We finalized the project with complete documentation of the infrastructure in a repository for all 3 environments.

Stable Currency Blockchain Development
Blockchain, Ethereum, Solidity

A pilot project for our first stable cryptocurrency - MYRT Responsibility: Backend: Smart Contract Developer - Developing all necessary business logic in Solidity. DevOps: Private chain deployment - Deploy, Manage & Monitor AWS Hyperledger Blockchain. Frontend: Decentralized app - Involve in development, testing, and debugging. DevOps: DAPP Deployment - Deploy...