Blockchain, Ethereum, Solidity
Stable Currency Blockchain Development
Malaysian's First Stablecoin

Company: Gemas Lestari Sdn Bhd
A pilot project for our first stable cryptocurrency - MYRT
Responsibility:- Backend: Smart Contract Developer - Developing all necessary business logic in Solidity.
- DevOps: Private chain deployment - Deploy, Manage & Monitor AWS Hyperledger Blockchain.
- Frontend: Decentralized app - Involve in development, testing, and debugging.
- DevOps: DAPP Deployment - Deploy decentralized app into multiple devices, Web, Android, and iOS.
- Management: Smart Contract External Audit - Manages and communicates with external auditors for potential vulnerability.
- DevOps: Deployment Ci/CD - Create and manage deployment pipelines for the smart contract as well as the DAPP.
- DevOps: Testing - Develop and maintain tests for smart contract as well as the DAPP.